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Give Me Love

 Give Me Love It is not something I long for I tell this to myself every night This mantra and vow, I have kept Resolute and unwavering, I would hold out I live and breathe as the rest without it And so, I do not need it.   Yes, my nights are lonely and sometimes sad I dive into fantasy and drown out my thoughts in fiction I live out hours and even years in the shoes of my favourite characters I bring them to life in my mind and bask in the love they feel for each other Even if for a moment, to me, It is real. If fantasy and fiction can give it to me That is enough. In reality, I do not need it.   And yet the feeling of warmth, comfort, and belonging that I desire persists It gnaws at me just before I sleep It runs rampant in my mind and rampages through my heart I feel the absence of the very thing I wish to deny It is a void, deep and immeasurable. It does not look back It establishes its presence and dominance even as I am without it The s
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Crashing waves

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Prayer for reason

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No rush

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 There's little to no words to describe you. To describe the strength you carry without boasting , To describe the power you possess without pride. Always with humbling humility you serve without asking. You are the embodiment of phenomenal and grace. Your selflessness is without bounds, it sometimes drives me mad, And yet it is your most beautiful quality and it humbles me still. The smile you wear on your face through tribulation and truimph is flawless, True in every essence of the word and it shines through without fault. The grandness of your heart fills me with tears of joyful pride, It holds so much love, care, kindness and genuine affection, It's a wonder you aren't glowing. All these words I've written will never be enough to express my truest emotions Because there's little to no words to describe you. You are mother, precious and beautiful. I love you wholeheartedly and without doubt.

Truth Is

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Only My Hands Can Explain These Tears

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